Duty Drawback
Duty Drawback Requirements
Duty Drawback Record Keeping Requirements
Import Records
In order to benefit from drawback, your company must identify the duties paid on the imported material. The documentation needed here is the import entry summary and its corresponding import invoice. Three scenarios follow:
1. If your company imported duty paid merchandise.This scenario is the easiest to comply with, since you will have all of the appropriate documentation easily available.
2. If your supplier imported duty paid merchandise and delivered it to you. Here you will have to obtain the rights to claim on these imports from the supplier.
3. If your supplier or his supplier imported duty paid merchandise and delivered it to you after further processing or assembly. Here you will have to obtain the the rights to claim drawback on these products from the supplier.
Manufacturing Records
Under manufacturing drawback, records verifying the processing of the imported material are required. A company should have documentation that will verify the following:
1. The withdrawal of imported duty-paid material from inventory for manufacture and the date it was used in a manufacturing process.
2. A record of the material, which is the same kind and quality as the imported duty-paid material, that was used to manufacture the export and the date the manufacture was completed.
Export Records
Drawback also requires the identification of the exports. The documentation needed here is the export bill of lading and its corresponding export invoice.